How uInfluence Empowers Youth to Counter Polio and Misinformation

uInfluence Lahore 2024


This article discusses how uInfluence, a UNICEF initiative, empowers youth to combat misinformation and promote polio vaccination. It highlights the importance of accurate information and youth engagement in global health efforts.

How uInfluence Empowers Youth to Counter Polio and Misinformation

In the last 30 years, polio has been eradicated from almost every corner of the world. Yet, misinformation threatens to undo this progress. uInfluence, a pioneering UNICEF project, is taking a novel approach to counter misinformation by empowering young people to fight back. The first uInfluence offline event was held in Pakistan, one of the two endemic polio countries, to tackle the misinformation head-on. Plans are now in motion to hold the next meetup in a polio outbreak country, further expanding uInfluence’s reach and impact.

Introduction to Polio

Poliomyelitis, or polio, is a highly infectious viral disease affecting children under five. It spreads mainly through the fecal-oral route, causing severe health impacts, including paralysis and death. Since the 1988 launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative by WHO, Rotary International, CDC, UNICEF, and others, wild poliovirus cases have decreased by over 99%, leaving only a few regions where the virus continues to circulate.

However, the battle against polio continues. To fully eradicate polio, we need complete vaccination coverage. Even one infected child risks reintroducing the virus into polio-free areas, leading to rapid spread among unimmunized populations. The consequences are dire, with potential lifelong paralysis and fatalities. As there is no cure, vaccination is crucial; multiple doses can protect a child for life. Ensuring comprehensive vaccination coverage is essential to prevent a global resurgence of this devastating disease.

Impact of Misinformation

In this digital age, health campaigns cannot ignore the impact of misinformation. Misleading narratives spread online can have severe consequences, undermining efforts to achieve full vaccination coverage. In 2022, such misinformation was prevalent in most polio outbreak and endemic countries.

In Pakistan, the effects of misinformation have been particularly devastating. In April 2019, a staged video in Peshawar, Pakistan, falsely claimed that polio vaccines made children sick, which was not true. That misinformation video went viral and led to widespread parental concern, received nationwide attention on conventional and social media, and led to the suspension of the polio vaccination campaign. As a result, polio cases sharply increased, over two million children missed vaccinations, and vaccine refusals skyrocketed. Violence also surged, with mobs attacking health clinics and frontline workers, leading to several deaths. Parents even resorted to using fake marker pens to falsely indicate their children had been vaccinated. This crisis underscores the powerful and destructive impact of misinformation, highlighting the urgent need to ensure accurate information to protect public health and continue the fight against polio.

UNICEF’s Approach

To address the spread of misinformation and its harmful effects on public health, UNICEF developed the Digital Community Engagement (DCE) framework. This approach uses digital platforms to engage with communities, listen to their concerns, and provide accurate information. A crucial part of this framework is uInfluence, a global network of volunteer social media microinfluencers who have signed up to support children’s health in their communities.

uInfluence is rooted in UNICEF’s proven social mobilization actions, which have been widely credited as a pivotal strategy in global polio eradication. It encourages community members to promote supportive messaging, leveraging a network of over 77,000 volunteer social media micro-influencers in over 100 countries. These volunteers use their voices to support children’s health, spread accurate information, and help to effectively address misinformation.

uInfluence Lahore 2024

uInfluence members share easy-to-understand messages approved by medical and communication experts. They disseminate science-backed information about polio and childhood vaccination through their social media feeds. This information includes factual and timely data about polio and vaccines, addressing common questions, and providing tips for combating misinformation within their communities. Beyond polio, uInfluence volunteers also advocate for other children’s health priorities, such as routine immunization and education, making uInfluence a sustainable and valuable resource for community engagement.

Through these efforts, UNICEF’s DCE framework and the uInfluence initiative are making significant strides in addressing misinformation and promoting public health. By harnessing the power of digital platforms and the dedication of young volunteers, UNICEF is building resilient communities capable of withstanding the challenges posed by misinformation.

Real-World Impact

The potential for uInfluence extends beyond polio, as it can be applied to other health priorities. Scaling and enhancing volunteer engagement is a key focus area, ensuring the continued effectiveness and growth of this initiative. The dedication and impact of uInfluence members highlight the importance of grassroots efforts in promoting public health initiatives globally.

This potential was vividly demonstrated in March 2024 when UNICEF organized the first uInfluence in-person meetup, engaging over 50 young digital influencers from Pakistan. This event was designed to seamlessly link digital advocacy with real-world impact in the fight against polio.

Momin Saqib at uInfluence Lahore

The meetup began with insights from then Pakistan National Emergency Operations Centre Coordinator, Dr. Shahzad Baig, who explained how polio vaccination campaign operates on the ground. Meanwhile, UNICEF DCE Team Lead shared strategies on using digital platforms for health campaigns, equipping influencers with the knowledge to advocate effectively for vaccination online.

To give influencers firsthand experience of polio eradication efforts, the event included a visit to the Lahore Railway Station, a crucial site for year-round vaccination. Influencers observed frontline workers in action, witnessing firsthand the dedication required to keep children safe from polio. This real-world experience deepened their understanding and commitment to the cause they champion online.

At the Railway Station

Among the uInfluencers was Momin Saqib, a passionate advocate for polio eradication. Saqib, known for his impactful social media presence, inspired participants on how to use their platforms to educate and motivate followers about the importance of vaccination. He encouraged other influencers to use their digital voices to counter misinformation and promote vaccine acceptance, linking their online influence to real-world health outcomes.

"Misinformation is a huge challenge, but this meetup showed me that we have the power to make a difference. Using our platforms to spread the truth about polio and vaccinations can save lives," said Laibaa Arish, a uInfluence participant.

Inspired by the day’s events, participants created a series of videos and messages aimed at dispelling myths and encouraging vaccinations. This activity not only showcased their creativity but also demonstrated how digital efforts can support and amplify on-the-ground public health initiatives.

uInfluence Lahore

#uInfluenceLahore was more than just a meetup; it was a dynamic exchange between digital and real-world advocacy. The event highlighted how digital platforms can enhance grassroots efforts, creating a powerful synergy that boosts the effectiveness of public health campaigns. The enthusiasm and dedication of the influencers underscored the potential for ongoing engagement and impact.

uInfluence Lahore activity

Expanding uInfluence

The potential for uInfluence extends beyond polio, aiming to tackle other health misinformation challenges. By broadening its scope, uInfluence can address various public health issues, leveraging the power of informed youth to counteract misinformation on multiple fronts. Engaging volunteers over the long term remains a key focus, with strategies being developed to keep them motivated and active.

Plans are underway to recruit more young influencers by partnering with educational institutions and youth organizations. These new volunteers will receive comprehensive training in digital literacy, fact-checking, and content creation, enabling them to effectively counter misinformation and advocate for vaccination.

uInfluence Lahore participants

A mentorship program is also being designed, where experienced social media influencers will guide new volunteers, creating a supportive and engaged community. Additionally, a new online hub will be launched to provide resources such as content templates, infographics, and videos, along with common misinformation narratives, empowering volunteers to respond swiftly.

Collaborations with popular social media influencers are also set to amplify the reach of uInfluence. These partnerships will involve joint campaigns and live Q&A sessions, attracting more attention to vaccination advocacy. Tailored regional campaigns will address local myths and misconceptions, ensuring culturally sensitive messaging.

Join Us

Informed youth play a crucial role in polio eradication efforts and public health advocacy. The uInfluence meetup demonstrated how empowering young volunteers with accurate information and practical experience equips them to become effective advocates. By understanding the complexities of the polio vaccination campaign and the impact of their digital influence, these young leaders are better prepared to drive meaningful change.

As we look to the future, the success of uInfluence underscores the collective responsibility to support and participate in such initiatives. By harnessing the power of informed youth and their digital platforms, we can create a healthier, polio-free world. Together, anyone and everyone can help to combat misinformation, promote vaccination, and protect children everywhere from preventable diseases.

As we look to the future, the success of uInfluence underscores the collective responsibility to support and participate in such initiatives. By harnessing the power of informed youth and their digital platforms, we can create a healthier, polio-free world. Together, anyone and everyone can help to combat misinformation, promote vaccination, and protect children everywhere from preventable diseases.

You too can join us in this mission by signing up to uInfluence, engaging with our campaigns, and becominga part of the movement for a brighter, healthier future for all children.