Strategies for Success: Inside UNICEF Polio SBC MENA Workshop

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UNICEF Polio SBC MENA Workshop in Cairo focused on strengthening strategies, tackling vaccine hesitancy, and harnessing digital tools to combat polio. Participants from key MENA countries gained insights and practical tools to apply in their campaigns, emphasizing community engagement and crisis communication.

Strategies for Success: Inside UNICEF Polio SBC MENA Workshop


From May 25-31, 2024, UNICEF Polio Outbreak Social and Behaviour Change and Communication Workshop took place in Cairo, Egypt—a country with deep experience in large-scale health strategies and a historical connection to polio dating back to ancient times. This rich historical context provided a meaningful backdrop that highlighted the complexities of managing public health challenges.

This Cairo event is part of a series of Polio SBC trainings that started with sessions in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) and the West and Central Africa Region (WECAR), now extending into the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

The workshop served as a crucial forum for building capacity, drawing experts from various backgrounds with strategic input from regional and global UNICEF teams. The goal was to strengthen the ability to prepare for and respond to potential polio outbreaks throughout the region.

MENA SBC Training Group


Participants and Goals

A dynamic group of 20 participants from key MENA countries gathered, each bringing unique expertise and perspectives to enhance the collective effort to eradicate polio in the region. This event served as both a vital training and a knowledge-sharing platform, enhancing cooperation among country offices and between country and headquarters teams.


Strengthening Strategies and Tackling Vaccine Hesitancy

Over five days, participants explored strategic planning, community engagement, digital strategies, monitoring, evaluation, and gender mainstreaming, emphasizing meticulous planning to manage potential polio outbreaks effectively. A strong focus was placed on enhancing community engagement and combating vaccine hesitancy, crucial to the workshop’s success.

Strategies for effectively engaging communities and tackling vaccine hesitancy were foundational to the workshop’s goals. The sessions covered critical topics like conflict and gender, particularly significant for the region. Participants from all represented countries contributed valuable knowledge and shared practical experiences, enriching the training with diverse perspectives on handling these crucial issues.


Harnessing Digital Strategies

Digital Community Engagement (DCE) sessions were a standout feature, introducing participants to the impactful use of social media campaigns in boosting public health initiatives. These sessions offered a comprehensive overview of digital tools and techniques, equipping attendees with new methods to enhance the reach and efficacy of their health communication efforts.

The culmination of the DCE training involved participants creating three elaborate social media campaigns, complete with video production and an impressively quick turnaround of a song crafted in just three hours, showcasing the creativity and commitment of the SBC professionals involved. You can listen to the song (in Arabic) here!


Tackling Crisis Communication and Advocacy

The workshop also addressed essential topics like crisis communication, advocacy, and managing health programs in conflict-ridden areas, delivering strategic insights specifically geared towards managing polio outbreaks. Gender dynamics were a focal point, with discussions highlighting how the Polio SBC Programme is designed to transform and empower, improving the lives of women and girls within communities.

Experiences from challenging environments like Sudan and Yemen provided a deep dive into conducting health campaigns amid conflict, offering valuable strategies adaptable to similar circumstances. “Gaining insights from country offices is crucial for our success. Their on-the-ground experiences and innovative solutions provide invaluable lessons that can be adapted across different regions,” said Anpuj Panchanan Achari, the Outbreak SBC Team lead.


Participant Insights and Reflections

“The workshop provided us with innovative strategies and practical tools that we can immediately apply to our campaigns. The emphasis on digital engagement was particularly insightful,” said Antoine Hraiki, UNICEF Lebanon SBC Officer. The workshop was highly valued for its practical orientation, with participants noting the immediate applicability of the strategies and tools presented. Feedback highlighted the planned use of digital media strategies in future health campaigns, emphasizing their efficiency and reach.

Reflecting on the significance of Social and Behaviour Change approaches, participants recognized them as crucial for addressing public health challenges in the MENA region. “The opportunity to share and learn from each other's experiences was invaluable. It’s these exchanges that make us stronger and more effective,” added Moayed Ali Mohammed Al-Shaibani, SBC Officer from UNICEF Yemen. The training was appreciated as an excellent knowledge-sharing platform, providing opportunities for professionals from various backgrounds to exchange insights and best practices. The rich exchange of experiences, particularly in managing interventions in conflict settings, was underscored as one of the most beneficial aspects of the workshop.

Participants also expressed their appreciation for the interactive nature of the workshop. They highlighted how it enhanced learning and fostered a supportive, collaborative environment, making the experience both productive and enjoyable.



The workshop concluded on a positive note, celebrating the collective achievements and emphasizing UNICEF’s commitment to innovate and adapt in the ongoing fight against polio. The event ensured that country teams, along with global and regional partners, are well-prepared for any potential polio outbreak risks.

UNICEF Polio SBC Team remains steadfast in its mission to enhance capabilities and foster partnerships to eradicate polio. They encourage the community to support and engage in initiatives that drive these goals forward. In June, SBC training is scheduled for Madagascar.