Polio Pulse banner

UNICEF Launches Polio Pulse

A powerful tool for tracking trends and strengthening immunization efforts

Two women wearing colorful hijabs stand in a dusty rural setting, holding a paper checklist and a small cooler used for medical supplies.

Beyond March 8: Recognizing Women in Polio Every Day

Women drive polio eradication every day. Their leadership, resilience, and innovation deserve recognition—beyond March 8

Polio SBC in 2024

Polio Eradication in 2024: Stories of Resilience, Innovation, and Community Action

Polio vaccination

Build communication strategies to support successful responses to cVDPV2 outbreaks with novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2)

Library resources

Library Resources

This library brings together quality guidance, tools and standards for Polio Social & Behavior Change

Using novel oral polio

Using The Novel Oral Polio Vaccine Type 2 (nOPV2) Communication Toolkit

Polio Pulse

Social Listening Insights

About us

The Polio Toolkit is a web-based repository of Social and Behavior Change (SBC) and Digital Community Engagement (DCE) resources, designed to enhance the sharing of information and lessons learned among the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), local partners, organizations, and frontline workers dedicated to eradicating polio. The toolkit provides evidence-based strategies for addressing misinformation, fostering vaccine confidence, and leveraging digital platforms for community engagement. It also includes cutting-edge communication guidance for the introduction of the novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2). Managed by UNICEF as a GPEI partner, the toolkit serves as a comprehensive platform for effective polio communication strategies in both digital and offline environments.

Self learning

Agora Homepage
Learn SBC
Polio Main
Using NOPV2
Use social data

Featured resources

Learn more about (AGORA) self learning courses

The eLearning courses provide training support to polio endemic /outbreak and high-risk priority countries.
The eLearning platform will not replace face-to-face or in-depth thematic trainings but will compliment these trainings and allow the learner to gain additional information while working at their own pace.